Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Poppy's Hat

My kids have seen Trolls 3 times and they have not gotten enough!
It is a very clever show. I want to walk you through making a winter hat that looks
like Poppy's hair & decoration.  I will also be showing how to make a Branch hat from an existing hat next week. Please note you can skip the first few steps to building a hat and do the rest of the steps on a store bought hat. 
This will take a medium level sewing experience

I bought fleece from Walmart - I bought 1 yard which is plenty at 2.88 a yard
I also got a package of felt from the craft area for the decoration part.

I have the hat pattern in my downloadables......
I started with cutting 4 of the hat pattern- this would also be my lining
feel free to change up your lining.

sew the out side edges then the center
place both hat pieces face to face sew down and around the front and then the back
you should have open areas for the straps- turn the hat entering in through this area

lay strap on top side of hat sew so the seam will fall to the inside

fold over the inside seam allowance and top stitch all three layers closing that opening and
finishing the connection piece to the strap

moving on to the hair- cut hair as long as you would like it- I cut mine 24" in length and 27" around. I also used tape to hold the strands together after I cut them so they would be more manageable 

I left  2" at the bottom to make bangs -hair and then a non cut band in the center 2" and then on to the long hair. I cut about 1" strips I was not that exact on them. you can always measure them with a ruler and or pencil, chalk or washable pen. Then I measured up from the finished seam of the hat so the hair would not fall over the eyes and pinned the hair piece to both layers of the hat ( this way the lining will not roll when worn)

Once it was completely pinned - I used a zig zag stitch to attach hair to hat so it will keep the stretchSew two rows about 1" apart.

Moving on to the hair decoration. I cut a 1 1/4" strip 27" long to attach the flowers to.
I cut flowers in two different colors place flowers evenly along the band the last flower should be attached towards the end of the band so when you go to over lap the band you can cover the over lap with the flower petal. Attached the flowers to the strip with rough circle straight stitch. They are not perfect but with creating the circular stitch it will keep more of the flower down after it is washed.
I also layered the flowers but this is not necessary.

I pin the decoration to the area on the hat to cover the zig zag stitch. Tack the flowers behind the biggest flower on each side this way the tack stitch will be covered by the top flower and tack all the flower, band and the two hat layers. Cut all floating threads.

I then placed the hat on a human so I could tie the hair together with an extra piece of fleece and get the placement just right so it would not pull in a weird way. remove tape
Here it is enjoy- this is a adult size children sizes coming soon....

Little Bunny

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